viernes, 10 de febrero de 2017

How to take care of your voice?

4 comentarios:

  1. I think it's a really interesting video, she explains everything concisely and the main idea she wants to transmit is easy to understand.
    I've learned a lot, like three ways of warming up the voice, an important concept if you want to improve your voice, or the kind of food/liquids you should avoid to make your singing better (or just to prevent a throat ache). I believe I'll take more care of my voice in the future.

  2. Thank you so much for your comments Paula.

  3. I like it because it shows me things that I knew but I never thought about. The girl seems very friendly and that helps you to undertand the video easily. I will follow her tips. It was awesome.

    1. I am happy you take these tips into account. I think they are very simple rules that anyone can follow easily.
      Thank you so much Nuria.
